Lincoln University is to receive NZ$107.5m for the redevelopment of its research facilities as part of the larger development of the Lincoln Hub. The Lincoln Hub is a partnership among Lincoln University, DairyNZ, and Crown Research Institutes. This will represent the highest concentration of agricultural and environmental scientists in the Southern Hemisphere. The Hub underpins New Zealand’s agribusiness sector by being an incubator for research and innovation and creating more value for our agrifood exports.
“Every 1 per cent increase in primary sector productivity generates an additional $4 billion in exports for New Zealand. The agricultural sector is a powerhouse of the New Zealand economy, and the Lincoln Hub will bring together some of the best minds working in the sector today to help lift innovation productivity in the sector,” Mr Joyce says.
“As New Zealand’s specialist land-based university, Lincoln University is a major player in tertiary education and research in the agricultural sector in its own right. Modern, safe, fit-for-purpose science facilities will be integral to its future success and to the success of the Lincoln Hub.”
This is great news for Lincoln and the agrifood sector which makes up nearly 20% of New Zealand’s GDP and over 60% of exports. Student numbers in the agricultural management, agribusiness and food marketing courses at Lincoln have been growing significantly even while numbers in generic commerce courses have been in decline. This supports Lincoln in its move to refocus on the specialist land based degrees such as the B.Com(Ag) the new Bachelor of agribusiness and food marketing and the B.Ag.Sc. What is needed now is investment in the specialist academic staff in the farm management and agribusiness areas that will can support the education of the farm managers, agribusiness managers and agrifood marketing specialists who will be the future of our land based sector.